Mobile applications should not trust other applications on the device.
The new generation likes it when an organization wants them to use lightweight mobile devices instead of PCs. In this case, employees don’t spend time and efforts walking around the room to find that single machine with Windows XP in the left corner of the room and to wait until it boots, unlags, and proceeds… People are use to carrying phones or tablets and send messages to each other all the time. Finally, a tablet usually is significantly less expensive, than a PC or a laptop, that increases efficiency.
However, who and how can control those devices? Particularly, a new tablet would have dozens of applications installed during the next months. Thus, dozens of different groups of people can legally execute code on your devices in your network and might sell this right legally. How many attack vectors can you count if an organization has hundreds of devices, and each application can get to any device including the router within the network? How would you protect your people and your networks against these attacks? Finally, what if you do not own all the devices in your network, how would you ask your employees to protect themselves and the perimeter? Hard questions, solvable in hours of consultations, but the basic advice is do not trust applications. This also works if you have your own application, you have a large base of users and plan to have more, you work with PII, and do not want to violate privacy laws like CCPA or GDPR.
Typical exploit case
To better understand the threat, we highly recommend to repeat the next attack manually on a device.
Target posture
“Astrid Tasks” is an open-source application, that flourished before Yahoo bought the app and was discontinued in 2013. Then, Alex Baker found open-source parts of the app and decided to resurrect it. As for July 2020, the application is completely free with no ads, has more than 1000 stars on Github and more than 5000 active users. Thus, Lyhin’s Lab decided to slightly improve the security of the “Tasks” application. Current app version is 9.7.3.
Bug discovery
Even though the “Tasks” application returns to life at a very early stage, this application has a couple of interesting possibilities – particularly, the integration with “Ok, Google” service.
Unfortunately, the “VoiceCommandActivity” application component allows arbitrary applications on a device to add tasks with no restrictions.
dz> run app.activity.start --component org.tasks.debug org.tasks.voice.VoiceCommandActivity --extra string android.intent.extra.TEXT "Super Important Task: visit my website"
Activity representation:
<activity android:name=".voice.VoiceCommandActivity" android:theme="@style/TranslucentDialog"> <intent-filter> <action android:name=""/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> <data android:mimeType="text/plain"/> </intent-filter> </activity>
Activity implementation:
public class VoiceCommandActivity extends InjectingAppCompatActivity { @Inject TaskCreator taskCreator; @Inject @ForApplication Context context; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Intent intent = getIntent(); if ("".equals(intent.getAction())) { final String text = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); if (!isNullOrEmpty(text)) { taskCreator.basicQuickAddTask(text); Toast.makeText(context, getString(R.string.voice_command_added_task), Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } finish(); } } @Override public void inject(ActivityComponent component) { component.inject(this); } }
How to repair
In the Android world, components like activities may require permissions. Thus, we could find a permission that a trusted application has, but an untrusted application cannot have. Notice, that sometimes it’s not possible to find such permission, and, generally speaking, android components cannot easily get the actual sender of the intent in runtime in a secure way.
The activity representation states that the activity action is:
As for today, an official guide on says nothing about integration with “Ok, Google” functionality on tablets. But the Internet has traces of the next signature level permission:
Because of the signature level permissions design, permission could be obtained by those applications only that were signed by the same signature Gmail application was signed. If the legal “Ok, Google” intent sender has this permission, VoiceCommandActivity should require permission to be secure. Follow the next steps to detect the package that sends intents and to ensure that this application has “” permission.
1. Clear logcat, and start log inspecting
adb shell su logcat -c logcat
2. Add a new task with “Ok, Google” functionality manually
3. Find the right place in logs. Some application sends an intent to VoiceCommandActivity

4. Find the package with the right UID
cat /data/system/packages.list | grep 10033

The package is:
5. Inspect the package permissions.
dumpsys package | grep "" -C20 --color

This package has the right permission.
Repair the VoiceCommandActivity activity representation in manifest. Before:
<activity android:name=".voice.VoiceCommandActivity" android:theme="@style/TranslucentDialog"> <intent-filter> <action android:name=""/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> <data android:mimeType="text/plain"/> </intent-filter> </activity>
<activity android:name=".voice.VoiceCommandActivity" android:theme="@style/TranslucentDialog" android:permission=""> <intent-filter> <action android:name=""/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/> <data android:mimeType="text/plain"/> </intent-filter> </activity>

Permission denial for Drozer, while the legal functionality works fine. Looks super easy, requires hours of reseach to understand, at least for the regular people like we are.
We recommend to “Tasks” application maintainers to enforce the VoiceCommandActivity to require permission. We notified Alex on a vulnerability about two months ago and unfortunately got no reaction, so it’s time to disclose the vulnerability now. Code changes are above.
UPD July 23. Changes had been commited to the official repository, so the vulnerability is fixed.
The possible future of well-growing companies brings new people and new devices, and new risks with them. On the other side, how about medium-sized companies today? How many unique small applications can access the internal infrastructure of a regular company? Easy to calculate, hard to mitigate.
Nowadays, a lot of issues discovered during mobile security application assessments contain permission related vulnerabilities, reasonably – in the mobile world, developers should use controls that the platform offers. Assess android permissions respectfully, verify permissions for exported components, stay safe yourself, and protect your assets.
LL advises to all the researchers do not break real applications illegally. This fun leads to broken businesses and lives, and, most likely, will not make an attacker really rich.